Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta previously served as Cabinet Chief for Mayor Mauricio Macri, now Argentina’s president.
As cabinet chief to the mayor (2007-2015), Rodríguez Larreta was primarily responsible for overseeing public works and improving the city’s financial administration. He became a famous face in the city during this period, known for devoting several hours a day to touring neighborhoods, reviewing public works and spending time listening to citizens’ needs.
Rodríguez Larreta has an economics degree from the University of Buenos Aires, and a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard. He started his career as a finance analyst at ESSO, and then worked in several government ministries and agencies. He served as Director of the social insurance agency ANSES, Undersecretary for Social Policy in the city’s Social Development Ministry, and took charge of the public health insurance agency PAMI, where he was credited for improving the financial structure of the organization.
In the 1990s Rodríguez Larreta founded Grupo Sophia, a non-for-profit training organization for young people looking to work in public administration.