
Cities of peace: World forum on urban violence

May 4, 2017
From April 19 to 21, the city of Madrid organized the World Forum on Urban Violence and Coexistence for Education and Peace.

The “Cities of Peace” forum, a joint initiative by the mayors of Madrid and Paris, brought together some 1,000 participants, including representatives from 100 cities and civil society organizations from more than 75 countries, to discuss their experiences around violence prevention and peace education. The forum was held as a continuation of the executive office of UCLG, which was held in Madrid April 17-19. 

One of the main themes of this forum was the challenges faced by cities in dealing with the phenomenon of international terrorism. The mayors of Montréal, Brussels, Tripoli and Madrid took part in a plenary session on this topic. They discussed the importance of implementing education and prevention initiatives at the local level. Due to the proximity to the field, cities have the means to intervene in urban safety issues, particularly with regard to the issue of radicalization leading to violence.

As part of the forum, the Observatory coordinator also participated in a workshop on “Urban Safety Labs,” organized by UN-Habitat's Safer Cities Program. Representatives of the cities of Cape Town, Guadalajara, The Hague, Seoul and Treichville also participated.

The Final Statement of this Forum reminds local governments and civil society of their commitments to address the causes and consequences of violence in cities. The Declaration also announces the establishment of an International Technical Secretariat to replicate the Forum every two years.

Final Statement: Madrid Commitment for Cities of Peace