Cities worldwide stand with refugees
On World Refugee Day, cities worlwide stand #Withrefugees
To mark World Refugee Day (June 20), Mayors from more than 50 cities around the world - including several cities of the Observatory, such as Brussels, Chicago, Namur and Toronto - are calling for more local authorities to join them in welcoming and including refugees in their communities.
In the framework of UNHCR's #Withrefugees campaign, the Observatory encouraged its members to support the Solidarity Statement released on World Refugee Day.
This initiative builds on the action of cities at the local level (see some examples: Düsseldorf, Halifax, Montréal, Namur) and international level (i.e.: contribution of cities to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. See video).
According to theUN High Commissioner for Refugees “With the majority of refugees now living in towns and cities, mayors and community leaders play a critical role in mobilising support, opening up access to services and opportunities, and helping refugees become members of new communities".
The Cities #Withrefugees initiative is part of #WithRefugees Campaign launched by UNHCR in 2016 in order to support the development of a United Nations Global compact on refugees, as well to channel global public support toward refugees and their families.
See Solidarity statement.
See global press release.
See Global Trends Report on Refugees.
Pictures from the exhibition "No stranger place" - UNHCR