Maxime Prévot

Born on April 9, 1978, Maxime Prévot holds a degree in political science with a major in public affairs from the Catholic University of Louvain, and in law and management of new information and communication technologies at the University of Namur. Prévot began his career as a public institution organizational performance consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Prévot was attracted to politics at a young age. He became political director for the president of his party at age 26 and was elected mayor of Namur in 2012 at the age of 34, after six years as Namur mayoral assistant in charge of social cohesiveness, housing and sports.
He was a federal MP from 2007 to 2009, then member of the Walloon Parliament until July 2014. Thereafter, he was vice president of the Walloon government and minister of public works, health, social action and heritage and finally, mayor of Namur.
In June 2017, he resigned from his position of vice president of the Wallon government to become Mayor of Namur again. He recovered his seat as a member of parliament of Wallonie.