Mike Savage

Mayor Savage is an active member of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Big City Mayors’ Caucus and a strong voice in support of local economic development, immigration, social equity, and infrastructure investment.
As a member of Parliament for Dartmouth-ColeHarbour from 2004 until 2011, Mayor Savage played a national role as Official Opposition Critic for Human Resources, Social Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities.
Mayor Savage had a career in business as General Manager of S. Cunard and Co., Director of Sales and Marketing for Nova Scotia Power Inc., Vice President at Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette, and Vice President at M5 Communications.
Mayor Savage has also demonstrated community leadership in social, health and cultural organizations, as a board member for the IWK Health Centre and Neptune Theatre, as a former President of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia, and through his involvement with Junior Achievement, The Red Cross, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and the United Way.
Mayor Savage and his wife Darlene have two children, Emma and Conor, and continue to live in Dartmouth where Mayor Savage grew up and attended Prince Andrew High before graduating from Dalhousie University.