Located in the bank of the Mediterranean Sea, in the crossroads between the north and the south of the country, Sousse is the capital of an important governorate. The town of Sousse is the capital of a network of neighbouring towns that make up the metropolitan area of Greater Sousse. The municipal perimeter is divided into four districts, including the Medina which is considered a World Heritage site by UNESCO.
Located in the center of Tunisia, Sousse is equipped with various infrastructure facilities, thus being a development driving force in the region and in the country. The economy of the city is based on three main sectors, namely industry, services and tourism. Besides its ability to attract investors and national and international students, the geographical location of the city makes it a tourist destination hosting 500,000 visitors per year.
Sousse is an inclusive city for newcomers, but also for women, youth, the poor and any population usually excluded from development (professionally unqualified and disabled people).
Sousse is an attractive city for the citizens, for visitors (tourists) and population in transit: students and investors. The city is attractive from an economic, social, urban and cultural point of view.
Sousse is a creative city in fields such as scientific research (University and Technopole), arts and culture (training, spaces and festivals), regional planning and urban management.
Participatory approach: citizen consultation is the motto of the City, this process was consolidated following the revolution of 14 January 2011.
Mayor of Sousse
Keys facts
Sousse is a tourist destination hosting around 500,000 visitors each year.
The population of the city is of 270,000 (450,000 inhabitants in the metropolitan area); in summer, the population doubles or even triples with the arrival of summer visitors.
The Medina of Sousse is a UNESCO’s World Heritage site since 1988.