WATCH: documentary film "All of Us" (between May 14 - June 22)
At the occasion of the International Day of Living Together in Peace (IDLTP), the documentary film "All of Us" is available for the public around the world (between May 14- June 22).
"All of Us", by documentary filmmaker Pierre Pirard, immerses the viewer into these new realities where these citizens are reinventing education, social relations, culture and work with the sole aim of creating a united community, living in peace, in spite of their cultural and religious differences (watch trailer).
Watch film (full length version - ENG) here.
An international campaign around the dissemination of this film has been organized by the team of the filmmaker in order to support the celebreation of the International Day on Living Together in Peace (IDLTP). More than 400 partners around the world - including around 15 cities of the International Observatory of Mayors on Living Together - participate in this campaign by disseminating the film.
Indeed, following a proposal made during the last Mayors Summit on Living Together in Izmir, several cities of the Observatory participate in the celebration of this day by organizing different local activities.
Also, the City of Montréal, through the International Observatory of Mayors on Living Together, organize an international webinar with francophone cities in order to share experiences on social cohesion and inclusion from Douala, Montréal, Namur, Québec and Strasburg.
What if, away from tensions around questions of identity and the fear of others, we had found other realities? What if we had stories to tell of audacious citizens who, with a strong desire for people of different beliefs to live together in harmony, have found ways of reinventing family, education, social relations, culture, and work...and have done so despite existing difficulties and frictions? What if, thanks to these stories, gathered from around the world, we can begin to see the emergence of what could be the multi-identity and yet harmonious world of tomorrow? And what if we all took part in it?