With increasing immigration over the past three decades, women and men of different backgrounds and faiths now live side by side in our big cities. Montréal, for example, is home to individuals from some 120 nations, who speak nearly 200 languages and dialects.
How can big cosmopolitan metropolises keep growing and prospering because of this diversity, while providing residents with an inclusive, safe living environment? How can we foster the concept of open, diverse and welcoming communities, while preventing exclusion and discrimination? How can we strike the right balance between openness and vigilance?
For more than 25 years, the City administration has implemented guidelines, policies and practices in order to ensure citizen participation in all dimensions of municipal life. The City of Montreal has implemented several programs and projects around three major objectives : Supporting newcomers integration and fighting against discrimination ; Improving quality of life in the neighborhoods ; Fostering citizen participation.
Diversity is a source of wealth for Montréal and we have to preserve it, encourage it and make it progress.
Keys facts
A third of Montrealers were born abroad.
Montréal is home to individuals from some 120 nations, who speak nearly 200 languages and dialects.
Between 2009 and 2013, more than 70% of immigrants selected by Québec settled in the island of Montreal.