Doing Immigration differently - and with the cities
The 21st edition of the National Metropolis Congress (Canada) gathered close to 1000 participants, including decision-makers, researchers and practitioners from the field of immigration and settlement in Canada. This annual gathering aims to discuss emerging issues and inform policies regarding immigration, refugees, settlement and integration in Canada.
The main plenary of the event was dedicated particularly to the role of cities, in terms of attraction, settlement and integration of newcomers, both in the canadian and international contexts. The Mayor of Halifax, Mr. Mike Savage, as well as representatives from the City of Moncton and Montréal, participated to this session.
In continuity with this topic, the Observatory, in cooperation with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, organized a workshop called "Welcoming Migrants and Refugees: municipal practices". This session offered a preview of the upcoming thematic publication on experiences and good practices of canadian cities regarding the integration of newcomers and refugees.
The participants to this workshop were: Mr. Paul Holley, Research Director at the Association of Canadian Studies, co-author of the publication, Ms. Muna Gaye, Community Development Officer at theToronto Newcomer Office of the City of Toronto, Mr. Roberto Montiel, Coordinator of the Halifax's Local Immigration Partnership, Ms. Véronique Lamontagne, International Affairs Advisor, former-Director a.i. of the Montréal Newcomers Office (BINAM) of the City of Montréal, as well as Mr. Esteban Benavides, Coordinator of the Observatory.
As the host of the event, the Mayor of Halifax, Mr. Mike Savage - one of the founding Mayors of the Observatory - supported the organization of this conference. By the way, several members of the Organizing Committee - including one of its co-chairs - are part of the Board of partners of the Observatory (Halifax local chapter).