Republican Evening on Living Together

On the ground
The objective of the “Republican Evening on Living Together” is to gather together all political, economical, cultural actors as well as member of civil society to celebrate “Living Together” in the city of Douala around republican values.


As the economic capital of Cameroon, the city of Douala has a cosmopolitan population of nearly 3 million inhabitants and is the first city in the country in terms of population.

In the wake of the mutations observed in the entire country, our demographic dynamics were accompanied by deep transformations of the economic, social, cultural, and political space.

These transformations have led to increasing needs in public services and above all, given residents the desire to participate in the management of their neighbourhood and their city.

Also, due to the prolonged economic crisis that the country has gone through, the limited public resources have failed to provide effective solutions to the urban community divisions, the precarious habitat, degradation of urban facilities, insecurity, unemployment, social inequality. This phenomenon can be the source of social tension. The organization of a Republican Evening on "Living Together" around several themes such as peace, diversity cultural, social cohesion, civic responsibility, freedom, tolerance and secularism has the objective of reducing social tensions.


The objective of the “Republican Evening on Living Together” is to gather together all political, economical, cultural actors as well as member of civil society to celebrate “Living Together” in the city of Douala around republican values.

This event has specific objectives:

  • Raise residents’ awareness of republican values,
  • Increase social cohesion between actors of the city without distinction of origin and political or religious believes,
  • Promote a sense of belonging for all,
  • Promote national cultural diversity.


The meeting was organized with the participation of all actors of civil society. A commission of organization supervised by the chief magistrate of the city and leaders of public and private organizations, leaders from organizations of civil society, was established. The program of the Republican Evening on the Living Together consisted of speeches, discussions around the themes of republican values, artistic performances, and sharing a fraternal meal.


After this meeting, the officials, the opinion leaders and the traditional chiefs unanimously determined to promote republican values identified within their respective organizations and to integrate social, religious, economic and politic elements in all aspects of public management. Finally, the Republican Evening on Living Together helped 123 people from diverse backgrounds, involved in the organization from 58 public or private organisations and members of the civil society to work together to promote peace and social inclusion.


Douala City Council
Yves Moundo