Meeting of the coalitions of inclusive cities at UNESCO.
The Observatory participated in the Global Steering Committee Meeting of the UNESCO's International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (ICCAR), which was held on 30 octobres, in the margins of the celebrations of the World Cities Day at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
This meeting, which gathered the ICCAR regional and national coalitions, aimed to define the next steps of the coalition's action plan, as well to build strategic partnerships with other institutions. The Observatory, represented by its Coordinator, as well as other partner organisations, also participated in this meeting (see article).
This meeting ws held in margins of the celebrations of the World Cities Day (31 October) - this year's theme was "Changing the World: Innovation and Better Life for Future Generations". For this occasion, UNESCO organised a special event showcasing the Organization’s full range of activities contributing to the attainment of SDG11 on sustainable cities and communities. The UNESCO Cities Platform gathers UNESCO networks and programs dedicated to urban themes.