Cities together for Migrants and Refugees
(Photo credit: UCLG-CGLU).
Throughout last year and at the occasion of the adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular migration (GCM), during the Intergovernmental Conference, which took place in Marrakech in December 2018, the International Observatory of Mayors on Living Together joined the call aiming to recognize the expertise of cities and their vital role in the governance of migrations.
At the eve of its adoption by the States, the cities and local governments, gathered during the 5th Mayors Forum on Human Mobility, Migration and Development, launched a call to reinforce their role and their engagement in the implementation of the two Global Pacts, on Refugees and Migration respectively.
The Declaration "Cities working together for migrants and refugees", signed by about 60 cities - including a dozen member cities of the Observatory, such as Bamako, Chicago, Dakar, Düsseldorf, Libreville, Madrid, Montréal, Ouagadougou, Paris, Rabat, Strasburg, Thiès - was presented by the Mayor of Montréal, Ms. Valérie Plante, during the Intergovernmental Conference on the Global compact for Migration (see intervention).
This pact is the first global agreement led by the United Nations about a common approach on international migration. This non-binding agreement lies on the sovereignty of States, the respect of Human rights and a collaborative approach (to know more).
Text of the Global Compact on Migration.
Text of the Declaration of Mayors.