Standing Committee on Living Together
In a context in which cities must deal with new issues associated with metropolization, growing urbanization and mobility of populations, Living Together is a major issue. This is why the Standing Committee on Living Together was created within the AIMF.
In March 2015, at the AIMF’s governance meetings at Lafayette, Montréal Mayor, the Honourable Denis Coderre, announced that a standing committee would be created in order to discuss actions to take around Living Together. The committee would also be a special place for discussion for French-speaking members of the Observatory.
The AIMF Congress from Sept. 28-30, 2016, whose theme was “Building the City of Living Together,” was the perfect opportunity to celebrate the launch of the standing committee.
The first working session, headed by Hon. Mayor Coderre, brought together 15 mayors and elected officials primarily from member cities of the Observatory, including:
Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
Bamako (Mali)
Beirut (Lebanon)
Brussels (Belgium)
Cotonou (Benin)
Dakar (Senegal)
Douala (Cameroun)
Geneva (Switzerland)
Namur (Belgium)
Porto Novo (Benin)
The members of the standing committee will continue their discussions in order to develop an action plan. Its next meeting will be at the AIMF Convention in Montréal in 2017.